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    12 Mar 2025, 1:25 p.m.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Have Questions? We are there to help


Stand out from the crowd & subscribe by choosing one of the subscriptions available & enjoy full features access


How can I purchase a subscription ?

Step 1

Visit our subscriptions page

Step 2

Sign into your Duwaween games account

Step 3

Choose your desired plan, then click on "Next" button


Step 4

Select your payment method from all the available options (KNET, Visa/MasterCard)

Does the subscription apply to all games or one game in particular ?

Yes, one subscription applies to all our games through all platforms.

What features does my subscription include ?

Visit our subscriptions page

How do I upgrade my subscription plan ?

Step 1

You can upgrade or change your subscription plan anytime by following these steps:

Step 2

Sign into your duwaween games account

Step 3

Click on My profile account on the navbar of the homepage

Step 4

Under Profile, click on My subscriptions

Step 5

You can click on Upgrade or View more plans to choose your desired plans

Note: Your previous plan will be canceled & your new plan will be effectively active starting from now.

How do I redeem my promotional code ?

Step 1

You can redeem your promotional code or discount by following these steps :

Step 2

Sign into your duwaween games account

Step 3

Visit the subscriptions page

Step 4

Choose your desired plan and select Next

Step 5

Select your payment method and click on confirm

Step 6

Next, under order summary, you can enter your coupon code and click on apply.

Can’t redeem your promotional code? If you can’t redeem your promotional code, try the following steps for the error message or issue you are experiencing.

Step 1

“The code you have entered has already been used” If you see a message that the code you entered has been already been used, it typically indicates that hte card has been already redeemed on an account. Check your billing details to see if your promotional code was applied. If you do not see the same promotional code, please contact us.

Step 2

“The code you entered is not valid” If you see a message that the code you entered is not valid, It typically indicates that there was an issue with the code you entered. Double-check the code you entered and try again.

Step 3

If you have entered the code correctly and still see the message, please contact us.

What payment methods are supported ?

There are various ways to pay for your subscription plan:
  • KNET
  • Visa/MasterCard

Will my credit card be charged each billing period ?

No, there's no auto renewal for now.

How do I view my previous invoices ?

Step 1

Sign into your duwaween games account

Step 2

Click on My profile account on the navbar of the homepage

Step 3

Under profile, click on My Orders

Step 4

Click on "View" under download column on selected invoice to view more information

What is a gift subscription ?

Gift subscriptions are one time payment and non-refundable. Gift recipients are not billed for the duration of their gift.

How do I buy a gift subscription ?

Step 1

Visit our subscriptions page

Step 2

Click on "Gift a friend" button from the banner

Step 3

Select the desired package for your friend and click "Give this Gift"

Step 4

You can write a personal message to go with your gift. The recipient will receive this message, along with a gift code.

Step 5

Choose your preferred payment method and click "Proceed to Payment"

How do I access my gift subscription ?

You will receive an email with a link to redeem your gift subscription package. 

For Further Questions, Contact Us